Tuesday, April 29, 2008


This week, I thought I would connect: Why? Why is and why does: it is what I am blogging about and it does matter!!! It matters because the act of seeing forms and shapes some or many people's beliefs. These are two phrases used in the Bay area, "This is real talk... Just like that!?!" To begin to accurately answer the question, I have to begin or review starting at the word "Why?"(wise) ending. The end is the letter Y.
It is divine synchronicity that the letter Y is the ending of the word why and this questioning is emphasized by the punctuation's double meaning which is the same as the word (Even my play of words is a chorus' caroling chord reverberating truth's sound. This is deep folks and IT IS known as the language of the mystics.) Our westernized cultures refer to this type of occurrence as a coincidence. Coincidence is the "coin inside us". However, the original currency everyone shared was shells. The specific shells are called cowries. The translation and pronunciation is cow-R-we. (For deeper meaning and context, see my letter A drawing in The Book of Logos: Dispelling the Myths.)
Please excuse and pardon "my shameless self promotional plug (the basis of this blog is primarily for my thesis)", no one else has written documentation defining these particular components that I have read. (If I am wrong and someone knows a source please, please post a comment. Please note: My work began in 2000, reading: Mysteries of the Alphabet by Marc- Alain Ouaknin.) To understand all that I have written and said, one must know a few things about the Hebrew, Greek and Latin alphabets.
One does not need to speak several languages to examine the alphabets. What are important are the patterns. The Hebrew alphabet consists of not only calligraphy glyphs, there are numbers and metaphors that ascribe each of the letters. The Greek alphabet is numbers and symbols that mirror the Hebrew reviewing the numbers as a guide. The Latin alphabet is purely symbolic form echoing the Greek alphabet. However, the symbols are cloaked and the numbers are disassociated codes.
The Book of Logos has a section that places meanings to the Latin alphabet using metaphors and numbers. My metaphors are metaphors of the Hebrew metaphors that I conjured using my intuition. Reflecting backwards honoring all our collective ancestors, I imagined our beginnings and true meanings.
The first letter of the Latin alphabet is the letter A. In Greek, the letter is Alpha. In Hebrew, A is the word and letter Aleph. The Hebrew number is one. The Hebrew metaphor is ox. My metaphor is cow. It is interesting because ox not only refers to a castrated male animal. Also, it is a term to describe any domestic bovine mammal. I could interpret each letter here. Although, I am not explaining each letter because our focus is "Why?" (Thus, I am not showing the image for the letter A. The image is my vision of a Kemetic or Egyptian turquoise blue cow's head.)
The letter Y in Greek is Iota. The Hebrew letter is Yod. The yellow background colored drawing is of a right hand. Upon the meat of the thumb defining the "lifeline" of the palm, there is an ant. Below the ant, there is a white circle filled with ten glyphs and a wheel barrel. The idea is: that when one examines either hand holding five fingers straight and together extending the thumb. The entire hand forms the shape of the letter Y.
Page 98 of my Text of the Book of Logos (this book has three forms: Imagery, Text and Divination Cards) reads, "The letter Y is touch. The collective has forgotten who invented the wheel barrel. I believe collective hands could clearly touch this idea by simply observing an ant."
The wheel barrel is an unknown invention. Herein, I am hypothesizing the reason that it is unknown is that we didn't need a patent and/ or "ownership" rights of ideas when we had our original collective consciousness. We observed an ant carrying massive loads and developed a similar devise that would mimic the same process.
The ten blue glyphs that are pictured in the white circle around the wheel barrel are the Hebrew letter Yod. The Hebrew metaphor is hand and the number is ten. My metaphor is touch. (My numeric values match the Hebrew and the Greek letters. THIS is the original emphasizing material I am presenting. Occult and Meta-Physicians have written about THIS type of eradicating. However, my analysis and re-eradication is apt and an artful twist that intersects metaphors and similes, similarly.) I believe we have had a difficult time touching the truth because we have not been really clear about why we do anything or how present events occur!
The video is titled See Wear I Walk: Chalked Magic April 24, 2008. This sidewalk art birthed the "Ear the Art" logo that can be seen on the right strip of photos. The logo has a purple wall, which is the mural in my video Frank Juggling Balls March 25, 2008. This logo was added to the wall's mural April 25, 2008. This blog does read about synchronicity, here it is happening, again. The day after 04/22/08 Earth Day April 23, 2008, I made the logo's stencil. Also, I made "real" Art spraying and chalking the side walk as a Community Collaboration Art piece. One day after that, I made the video See Wear I Walk: Chalked Magic April 24, 2008. The next day April 25, 2008 I added the logo to the pre-existing mural one month exactly to the day that I had made a video called Frank Juggling Balls. The top central photograph in this blog is a garage located on Oregon Street taken April 25, 2008, as well. This is what could now be considered a "Community Art" works in progress, which was previously an obscure and profound defacement that Stacy wrote about being beautified on her block in the comments on my Part Three The Pictures: I Have Got the BALLS to Save the Universe! blog.
(As the reader can see to getting to The Book of Secrets is very complicated. The Book of Logos is not necessary to understand the secrets, but it helps spell out the coding and redefine lost symbolic meanings. I trust myself and am presenting all information as facts because I am attempting to reformulate the R("are","our" and ire) and the US("us" not only this US ("United States")) that compose the definers making words like trust have deeper meanings and to square or true the value. Try removing the first T of the word trust and the word transforms to rust! Synchronisitically, I could say that the tagged garage is rust colored considering it is on Oregon ("ore-gone" and "ore-G's-on") Street. Then again, call it coincidence. If it makes your soul's sole feels better!(Synchronicity has synonyms: fate, happenstance, luck, chance or serendipity. I'm not perfect I am open to any and all added comments?))


C. E. Moore Art said...

This was really published on Monday at about 4:20 AM Pacific Standard Time. I falsified the date so that perhaps people could get on the "ONE" early?

elizaBeth Benson said...

you have studied linguistics? the language under all language? it is something to think about all the intersections you invite contemplation about. i am moved by your bicycle journeys and noticings and grateful that you post about them here. i am intrigued by all the connections you make visible in words and pictures. i love the fun you are exhibiting with language an the images you share and most of all, the colored chalk on the sidewalk inviting connection with your local community.

yes. yes. yes.


Quiche said...

Oddly, I read and thoroughly enjoyed Ouaknin's "Mysteries of the Kabbalah", in 2000, which covered quite a bit on gematria, which further inspired research into the pictographic, symbolic, numerical meanings of the alphabet, and also read Sefer Yetsirah and Sefer Al Bahir, and parts of the Zohar. Fascinating, mind-blowing, tendency to suck you into other dimensions stuff. Like Arabic its sister language, Hebrew is based on a three letter root word system. If you haven't already watched the movie "Bee Season", it is a must see. You are reuniting the sparks (: La Chaim!