Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Part One Gall and Nerve: I have got the BALLS to save the Universe!

In a week's time, it is amazing what can happen. So much has happened, I was forced to split my: "I have got the BALLS to save the Universe!", as three blogs(all 3 blogs will be posted today by 1:11 p.m.). This first part, explains the scope and direction of having the balls to speak out declaring one has the gall and nerve. The second part is my lens' angle. Part two outlines how and why I began lowering my gaze. The third blog is the pictures. So, with all that out of the way and into the air, let me explain my scope and direction. 
It is necessary for me to outline the scope and direction to align our vision so, that we can manifest productivity and resuscitate our collective intents. Besides, I am fully aware how controversial my photos slant has seemed. 
Last week's central photograph was the basketball hoop pictured here. It was unbelievable synchronicity that the boys were there. (I have blocked their identities out using a Photoshop stamp of the second boys' hand and shadow over both boys faces. There are no other modifications or transformations added to this picture.) 
Here are sample participants experiencing this hoop and the tags. One's first thought may be that this is negative reinforced profanity. Our young black males are faced with negative messages reestablishing a negative relationship with Law Enforcement. I say that because my first thoughts when I took the picture were along those lines. The picture was taken Sunday April 13, 2008. 
I mention the date because I couldn't add this picture before given the context. There are some format limitations as to only being able to "blow up" central or main images. If I had placed this photo with last week's post I believe the presentation would have been tasteless. I am not attempting to shock the palette. I am attempting to refine the collective taste buds to digest a new perspective dish. This dish's delightful meal consists of appeal that creates a new collective craving. 
It would have shown no tact to make this photo conjunct with last week's vibe because there is more to understand and see viewing this picture. All right to understanding this picture better, I placed myself in the mind set of a boy who might use this hoop. By the way, these boys were alone. There was no parent or guardian present. As a boy who might play here, I realized what a release of stress this might be. Imagining that I had a rough day at school, remembering the frequent days of feeling like nothing had moved or gone right. I could see and envision how this hoop could be bliss. 
Young black males are bombarded with daily reminders of how hopeless it is to be a black male. My observation and experience is that they are getting two extremes: neglect or smothering. The neglect is a mind or state of not caring. The smothering is pushing them to be better than their parents. The problem is that it is not really clear actually where the parents or anyone else is standing. Thus, this pushing of fostering one into their boot straps has become a voided search neglecting real identity and purpose. 
What one cannot see in this photograph without knowing the area is that Berkeley's Tool Library is the background's formation examining the right above the small grey car. For me, it is synchronistic that the word TOOL is hidden and even obscured. Being hidden and obscured is synchronicity caroling a chorus of why one has be patient and cautious about drawing conclusions. Also as a side note, I like the ball sitting to the left on the fence. One can see, it appears very curious how it is stuck floating there. If one double clicks this picture to blow it up please do inspect these details.
The point my blog is emphasizing is that we have to begin to articulate negative perspectives and ideas reinventing our tools. The first negative perspective I am reinventing is having the BALLS to save the Universe. It is my experience that folks are afraid of speaking out for the biggest cause: our HUMANITY. Please read part two, I have enough balls to share so other people can begin to feel a similar fervor, too.  


elizaBeth Benson said...

i think it is something to decide to have the balls to save the universe--and i wonder about the need, on the part of the universe, for us to save it? what is saving, anyway? i'm recently letting some song i can't always find into my consciousness--some song that has a line "we spend our life like pennies in a jar, what are we saving for, what are we saving for". i wish i listened all the way through--past that line--but that's the one i've held. it seems to me, as i contemplate the line and see what you're seeing through the way you demonstrate what you've seen and write about your dilemma? your noticing? your hidden and obscured coming into focused view, that perhaps, even in what is seemingly tragic, there is a beauty that is still in the stillness of the photograph. there is an act of seeing--of powerful, ballsy witness, and an act of "outing" the view from which you see. these are exquisite acts of beauty. your perspective shared, your words expressed, your images captured and shown, your way of empathizing or bearing witness--this is the power for me. thank you for putting your work in the world in this way--and inviting comment and connection through this voiced way of seeing, balls and all.

C. E. Moore Art said...

You are so right on the money! In so many ways it is like counting the balls. The funny thing is that having the BALLS to say it feels good for me and that is all that is necessary. We all are doing our part everyone has their particles and practices. And it is the miniature that I am referring to because if we had the perspective of an ant. We would be acting an doing a whole different thing. Every major city needs to be on red alert if foul smells are seeping from anywhere. The sign of social decay. Only problem it is a global epidemic.... if I were President I would stop production and everyone would take a month vacation!!!! I would have used the word heal but knowing what I am going to spin on the alphabet. Save is clearer than heal...heel...kneel that's not the appeal 4 real... see my zeal??? the spill of my reel will peel your mind...